2018年4月11日 星期三

Dismantling the Walls

Long ago, experiences have taught you that to survive the hostilities and the lack of harmony which exist on this planet is to build a wall of protection around yourself. Another wall is added, because every lifetime when you felt safe enough to let your guard down and began to care for someone, you ended up in cuts and bruises. In this final act of Galactic War, here you are sitting in a deep dark dungeon with all these walls of your fortress around you. The only problem is that you can barely see yourself because it is so pitch-dark in here. Your light is barely shining and no one else can see you either because the real you is lost inside.

Life is indeed a struggle, particularly this lifetime. Those caught in this final act, whether willingly or unwillingly, all face the greatest difficulty in their lives that is far beyond their imagination: the separation from not only their earthly family and friends, but also from their star beloved ones. Time, it changes everything. To you, it creates nothing wonderful and joyous other than pockets of despair, hopelessness, and abandonment. It forms separation, which then creates doubt in the point of liberating this whole planet, and even liberating oneself, and once again, more walls are added.

Walls could be torn down if people truly wish for it to happen. It can't happen overnight, but it needs to start somewhere, even if there's just one single layer. If you are tired of waiting for the Event to happen, so that all your problems can be fixed, then fix some of them on your own now, even just a bit. Some aspects are much easier to fix than financial factors. Take friendship as an example. Most people sever their ties with friends completely because they find themselves living in two worlds. That's understandable. But if a person searches for a middle ground where they can not only release attachment to people, but also hope to create as many joyous memories with them as possible, then it's feasible. It simply denotes that individual acknowledges the inevitable farewell between them and their friends/family, but the individual still tries to improve their own quality of life by cherishing the little time they could spend together while carrying out their missions. If you don't like working for a big company, then try being a freelancer temporarily, then see where it goes. The hardest thing about dismantling the walls is how to deprogram ourselves first. Living in a society that has drained and suppressed us alive has left us feeling vulnerable and reluctant to fix problems on our own. But how long can one persist if they still hold onto the Event either to happen this year, next year or the year after that, while being disappointed at not having all of their problems solved at once? And if you have already been disheartened for the last 2 to 3 years, do you seriously plan to hold onto that for the rest of the years until the Event, or start to fix even just a little bit so that your life could be improved just a bit? Year after year, you can see people who newly awoke and get too attached to Event happening if not this year, then 'definitely' next year. It's a similar mental process, and almost everyone has been there and done that, but we've all learned that's not the solution. The solution is we surround ourselves with like-minded people, form a group where we can talk and support each other, so that we can hang on much longer. It's by no means any ordinary mission that can be achieved with some kind of religion formed. Having faith and trust in the Light Forces despite them making mistakes (sometimes way too many than our heart can bear) is one thing, developing this into a religion and suppressing people's feelings is another. How many people have left this group because of their voice go unheard, their feelings toward certain things get suppressed?

People are fighting and healing their wounds of the past at such an unprecedentedly pressurized time. People could've been healed much more efficiently if groups could be formed where they could find consolation in each other, support each other, and talk about their problems. Over these years, people browse through intel pieces after pieces in the hope of finding 'chicken soup for the soul' that could help themselves navigate through this chaos. But deep down inside we all know, what we aspire is just someone we could share all this to, an outlet for our bottled-up emotion. A caring and supporting group is what we need to help us carry on and transit to a new society much more smoothly. Not a religion, not another piece of intel set from higher perspectives, and not even this article. 
